Jakarta-Yogyakarta Overland Tour: 5 Days, 4 Nights

Tour Description

Jakarta Jogjakarta Overland Tour: 5-day, 4-night Overland Tour starting from Jakarta to Yogyakarta, visit tourist objects from Jakarta such as Sunda Kelapa old port, then in Bogor visit Botanical Garden, and then continue to Bandung, Dieng plateau, Borobudur, the UNESCO site of Jogjakarta. with a tour itinerary as follows:

Tour Itinerary

Day 1 : Jakarta Bogor Tour

Upon arrival Sightseeing transfer from the Airport to Bogor with a stop at the old Jakarta to visit the old Sunda Kelapa Harbour.

Day 2 : Bogor Bandung Tour

Morning visit the famous Botanical Garden. Proceed to Puncak, where a photo stop at one of the many tea plantations has been arranged. After lunch, pass the presidential Summer Palace (1750) at Cipanas and continue to Bandung, the capital of West Java. Arrival Bandung: visit the Saung Angklung Udjo (performance upon availability) and enjoy the traditional bamboo music by the Angklung orchestra played by schoolchildren of different ages.

Day 3 : Bandung Kutoarjo Wonosobo Tour

Early mornings after breakfast, transfer to train station, enjoy riding local train with the local people escorted by the guide should be an experience. Arrival Kutoarjo transfer to hotel.

Day 4 : Wonosobo Dieng Plateau & Borobudur Tour

A morning drive to Dieng plateau. This 2093-meter-high plateau has a lot of interesting scenery; along the way, you will see dramatic mountain view. We will visit Pendawa Lima Temples In the centre of the plateau, with beautiful landscape within the huge marshy caldera of a volcano that erupted long time ago, also visit Sikidang Crater for a breathtaking view of some active crater with continued up-welling of sulphur and smoking fumaroles. After lunch, visit the magnificent temple, one of the Seven Wonder’s of the World, Borobudur “the Buddhist Monastery on the hill”.

Day 5 : Yogyakarta City Tour + Prambanan temple Tour Departure

A total day to explore the rich life of Yogyakarta. Included the Kraton Yogyakarta “Sultan
Palace,” a huge palace founded in 1756, is actually a city within a city. Our next stop will be the home industry to see the process of producing batik before proceeding to Kota Gede, the original home of Yogya‘s silver ware. After lunch, visit Prambanan Temple, the temple of the “Slender Virgin,” then proceed to Sewu Temple, which means “a thousand” temples. Late in the afternoon, transfer to the airport for your flight to your onward destination.